【同义词辨析】 2018-08-01 不和discord-variance

discord: implies an intrinsic or essential lack of harmony that produces quarreling, factiousness, or antagonism between persons or things: years of ~ had left their mark on the political party. (intrinsic内在: 不依赖外部关系联系的内在属性,如the intrinsic value of education教育的固有价值,essential本质,失去就导致变质根本改变的属性,如社会和谐是中国特色社会主义的本质属性”) (faction派系: 大团体内的互相对立小团体)

strife: emphasizes a struggle for superiority rather than a fundamental disharmony or incompatibility: during his reign the empire was free of ~.

conflict: usually stresses the action of forces in opposition but it may ALSO imply a incompatibility or irreconcilability, such as of duties or desires: ~ of professional interests.

contention: applies to strife or competition that shows itself in quarreling, disputing or controversy: several points of ~ between the two sides. (disputecontroversy意思相同争论争议,程度上dispute严重些如领土争议用territorial dispute,又如the controversy surrounding his latest movie围绕他最近一部电影的争议)

dissension: implies strife or discord and stresses a division into factions: religious ~s threatened to split the colony.

difference: often in the plural, suggests actual incompatibility or impossibility of reconciliation because of dissimilarity in opinion, character, or nature: decided to negotiate a reconciliation of their ~s.

variance: implies discord or strife between persons or things arising from a difference in nature, opinion, or interest: cultural ~s delayed the process of national unification.

discord不和,固有矛盾: 固有本质的不和谐,使争吵争议对立,strife争斗: 强调地位争夺不是不兼容和谐,conflict冲突: 指相反的作用力(forces in opposition),也表示不兼容不可调和,如职责愿望,contention争斗: 争斗竞争导致争吵争论争议,dissension分裂: 争斗不和导致分裂成派系,difference差异: 不兼容无法调和,源自观点属性天性不一致(dissimilarity),variance差异: 同上

记忆方法: 1)首字母DSCCDDV重组成CDCDVDS错的错的我的事<==有不和多检讨

         2)不和的意思是不一致不和谐mean a state or condition marked by a lack of agreement or harmony.